The Next New Thing

The Next New Thing

It’s no secret, that our dependency on technology is growing at a rapid speed. New Media, has significantly impacted the world in numerous ways. Social networks, web applications, and many more, were all created in hopes of bringing simplicity to our daily lives. A new application that I believe would be beneficial to a younger audience, is a network dedicated to just college students. Something similar to how Facebook was, before it became the global phenomenon that it is now. On this platform, students network with each other from different institutions around the country. Some of the features could include, study groups, file sharing of books, proof reads and edits of papers, job/internship networking for post grads, community services, and many more. This platform would be used as a community amongst students, that can all relate to each other outside of the modern world. It could help students remain more focused and engaged in their studies as well. Having someone to connect with on an academic level, minus the interference or distractions thats found on the other social channels.

Privacy & Confidentiality

Privacy & Confidentiality

When it comes to new media, privacy and confidentiality has become little to non existent. The purpose of social networks, which is a huge part of new media, was formulated with the intentions of having people connect and be more open with each other. It encourages the party to provide as much information as possible. However, consumers seem to forget that information is willingly provided. Being that the internet is considered a public space,  our privacy will always be at risk. One should be mindful of any information they disclose, because once its sent out, its pretty much out of their control.

Advice to Baruch College

Advice to Baruch College

Some new media options I’d suggest for the college is LinkedIn, and Twitter. I would use LinkedIn as a platform for students and faculty to connect with each other. LinkedIn’s infrastructure allows you to connect and share information solely based upon your professional achievements, goals, and educational background. This platform could also be used as a tool for students and professors to promptly network and connect more.

Twitter would be used primarily for updates and announcements. The status are concise and easier for users to read on their devices. This will save time for  individuals who’s not able to access their emails remotely. With the option of having a notification pop up on ones phone, any important update or announcement is just a tweet away.



New media has given users the ability to express themselves freely, and creatively. Without the modern technology that we have now, imagine how many trends, or talented people who would have been overlooked. It provided a new platform for not only communication, but a freedom of expression.In the article “1 + 1 + 1 = 1 The new math of mashups”, Mark  Vidler explained the benefits of digital technology as, “You don’t need a distributor, because your distribution is the Internet. You don’t need a record label, because it’s your bedroom, and you don’t need a recording studio, because that’s your computer. You do it all yourself.”  Users have the power to take creativity into our own hands, cutting out the middle man. In the article  “Disney Tolerates a Rap Parody of Its Critters. But Why?”, Nickelodeon spokesman Dan Martisen stated,  “Our audiences can creatively mash video from our content as much and as often as they like.” Just by reading this statement, it makes me reflect on how much we have evolved as consumers. Users today, have some of the biggest influences on our culture, and companies are aware of that. It draws attention to their content, and help innovate new ideas. What does the users get out out of this? It ranges from a variety of things, depending on the platform. But many have successfully went on to create a brand and following for themselves.

Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

Virtual Worlds seems to be an escapism from reality for its users. The advantage Virtual Worlds have on it users,  is the opportunity it presents to create this perfect world for them. At least in the users mind. In the article “No budget, no boundaries: It’s the real you” Eric Spangenberg says,  “It’s the newest manifestation of how people live vicariously: if I can’t afford a Bentley, my avatar can.”  The pro of this  virtual community, can be therapeutic for the average person who often fantasizes about experiencing a different lifestyle.  On the other hand, it can also conflict with the life they live in reality, leaving a psychological affect on the user. In the article “Virtual Worlds may impact real world behaviour” it states that “People are prone to be unaware of the influence of their virtual representations on their behavioural responses.” I agree that spending too much time in the virtual world, can negatively affect the users behavior in the real world.

As technology evolve, so will the infrastructure of Virtual Worlds. In the essay “Situated Learning in Virtual Worlds and Immersive Simulations” Dawley and Dede wrote,  “New technology developments show continued promise for the use of VWs and simulations. Immersive technologies are experiencing huge commercial growth, with new market sectors and uses appearing as the technologies themselves evolve.”  Virtual Worlds are a platform that can be utilized for many things. As time and technology progress, users and organizations will innovate ways they can approach this social phenomenon.

Blog About Twitter

Blog About Twitter

In comparison to blackboard, when having a discussion on twitter, you’re able to engage with the participants more quickly. Twitter notifies you immediately when you are tagged in a post, which I’ve never encountered on blackboard. You also get to view the users profile, and continue to stay in contact, through following each other. I do like the sense of privacy you have on blackboard. If a user retweets your post, then their followers can view your discussions. Blackboard on the other hand, is restricted only to the users enrolled in that specific course. Above all three choices, Classroom discussions are the most effective. A classroom has a more intimate setting, and  you physically interact with your classmates and instructor. You have the opportunity to have your questions answered right away, and there are limited distractions.

Social Networking Sites

Social Networking Sites

I’m an active user on Facebook, Instagram, and most recently Twitter and Tumblr. Out of the four networking sites, I enjoy Instagram the most, and use it more often. Instagram is user friendly. Everything from the layout to the post that you upload, is more organized. Your timeline is set up chronologically by default, you’re not limited to the characters you type, and I like the simplicity and choice of filters they have for your photos.

Facebook, is a great platform for networking and sharing your thoughts without having to upload any media, unlike Instagram. I dislike that Facebook’s timeline is not chronologically ordered, and you have to download a separate app in order to send direct messages. Twitter is user friendly, but you are limited to characters (which sucks), and there’s no edit option, once a status has been uploaded.Tumblr is not for me, it seems as if it’s targeted more towards bloggers and you have to be a little more creative in order to keep your followers engaged.

All sites are great in their own way, but if i had to choose one, it would be Instagram.



Social Networking

Social Networking

Social networking, is often used as a platform to communicate and network with users from all over the world, at any moment. We have the power to connect with who we want, with just the click of a mouse. This has played a significant role, in how we mostly communicate today. From professional to personal use, there is no limit to what you can do in social networking. In the article, “Social Networking technology boosts job recruiting”, Crawford-Hertz is quoted saying “Social networking technology is absolutely the best thing to happen to recruiting.” I agree that social networks are vital in helping job seekers land jobs with potential employers. Users pass on and share information all the time, so you never know who you can help out with just a simple post. During Barack Obama’s presidential campaign, Obama and his team relied on social networks to reach out to supporters. In the article “How Obama tapped into social networks “power”, Methoda says But Senator Barack Obama understood that you could use the Web to lower the cost of building a political brand, create a sense of connection and engagement, and dispense with the command and control method of governing to allow people to self-organize to do the work.” This quotes simply sums up how majority of people utilize social networking in their daily lives. These technologies are an important tool for how we connect, on many dimensions in our life. 

Blog v Wiki

Blog v Wiki

Okay, so convergence with any  form of media, plays a significant role on how we connect with the world. Technology never sleeps, it’s a business within itself that enhances the way we interact, and contribute to the web everyday.

Lets’s take blogging for instance. Blogging created this platform for users to share their thoughts and personal experiences in a non- journalistic way. It’s opening up that personal window, and inviting fellow readers and writers into their world.This trend, has evolved significantly over the past years, and encouraged companies to incorporate this form of networking, into their business. In the article, “Wal-Mart tastemakers write unfiltered blog”, Barbaro states that,  “The buyers decided the site would succeed only if they wrote in their own voice, free from censorship and corporate review.” Authenticity is a key element in why a consumers voice holds more value over a corporation, in the blogosphere.

Wiki’s, involves participation from users and everyday consumers as well, but its approach is entirely different. In the article “Wikipedia to limit changes to articles on people”,  Wales is quoted, saying “We have really become part of the infrastructure of how people get information.” Wiki’s are usually our primary source for information, and since we rely on this platform, it would be helpful if wiki integrated the social media accounts of its contributors. It’s an easier way to keep track of and maybe limit the amount of information, without reliable sources.